

L’Osservatorio Permanente sui Beni Ecclesiastici
offers tools and contributions for collegial processes

The Observatory is committed to publicising cases of good governance and tried and tested methods and procedures for governance, reporting and transparency in decision-making processes regarding asset management issues for Ecclesiastical Religious Bodies and other not-for-profit bodies.

The Observatory aims to provide a tangible contribution to the collegial processes that permeate canon law and the statutes of Ecclesiastical Bodies and Religious Congregations as these are not always applied correctly.
We believe that a constant application of collegiality directly contributes to the stability of Bodies over time and to the correct management and administration of Ecclesiastical Assets.
Collegiality is the solution and most effective antidote to clericalism, personalism and the scandals that have taken place in the past.

The Observatory will offer governance tools so that the competent bodies can reach decisions with full discernment.





Contact us if you share our Mission and would like to work with us.
Take part by communicating, reporting positive cases or for publishing your initiatives.